Economic Development

Everett is poised for prosperity and it’s time to realize that potential. My priority is to make Everett an attractive place to live and do business so that we can retain, attract, and grow living-wage jobs. I will bring a focus to our economic development efforts on strategic areas, such as the Everett Mall, the former Kimberly-Clark waterfront property, Everett Station District, and downtown. I will also immediately expand the City’s Department of Economic Development from one staff person to three.

The addition of Funko to our downtown is a good example of where Everett can go. Funko is a new anchor for fun, creatively-minded, and community-oriented businesses. In South Everett, there is an opportunity to reinvigorate local businesses districts, make them more pedestrian friendly, and attract new business.

No one will work harder to ensure that Everett prospers and that this prosperity is shared broadly and not enjoyed by just a few. Below is my plan to kick start long-term economic prosperity in Everett:

Support entrepreneurship, innovation, and small business

Nurture local entrepreneurs
I will work to develop a small business incubation partnership for local entrepreneurs and support existing business incubation efforts, such as Grow Washington. Partnerships with Everett Community College and Washington State University will be critical for fueling the next generation of entrepreneurs and small business people, as ideas generated by students and instructors move to market. I want the city to be an active facilitator of these partnerships and connections.

Create a Mayor’s Small Business Advisory Council/Task Force
On the City Council and the campaign trail, I have learned a lot from our small business community. I am passionate about supporting small businesses and developing stronger neighborhood business districts. Small businesses are the biggest potential source of job growth for our city. As Mayor, I will create a Small Business Advisory Council or Task Force to advise me and city staff on the challenges facing small businesses and how best to support them. I will ensure that Everett is a great place for all people to do business by supporting veteran-owned, minority-owned, and women-owned businesses.

Invest in people

Make Everett a workforce education destination
Everett is increasingly becoming a destination for higher education, which are important anchor institutions in our community. They are educating the next generation of Everett workers and leaders. I will be a tireless supporter of our institutions of higher education. I will ensure that we are connecting these institutions with job providers, so that graduates have the skills and knowledge employers are seeking.

Provide multiple routes to success
Not every young person wants to or is able to go to college. Apprenticeships and vocational education are important pathways to work for many people. As Mayor, I will support apprenticeships and vocational education as important routes to success for young people in our community.

Invest in early education
Dollar for dollar, investments in early childhood education are the most cost-effective investments we can make as a community. They increase the potential for children’s success as adults, help to reduce future crime, and support economic development. We need to increase these investments in our children. As Mayor, I will bring people together to find private and State resources, generate innovative thinking, and form new partnerships to ensure that our youngest succeed and have the best chance possible to become healthy, contributing adults.

Focus on the future

Leverage the potential of our anchor institutions
Anchor institutions are the larger employers and institutions in our community that provide job stability and offer opportunities for smaller businesses and the building of community wealth. Everett’s Vision 2037 Plan, developed by a diverse cross-section of citizens, sees these anchor institutions as linchpins for community and economic development and I agree. We are fortunate to have several important anchor institutions in Everett, including Providence Medical Center, the Everett Clinic, Boeing, Paine Field, Xfinity Arena, Snohomish County, Naval Station Everett, Washington State University, and Everett Community College. As Mayor, I will build on the work of the Vision 2037 Committee to leverage the potential of our anchor institutions.

  • Create community wealth
    Everyone should benefit from Everett’s increasing prosperity and property values. As Mayor, I will ensure that we take active steps to grow a more inclusive economy. This includes ensuring that local workers get priority on city capital construction projects. I will also make it a priority to ensure that when the city invests in economic development efforts, we ensure that these resources benefit residents locally. Other steps, such as supporting home ownership and housing affordability, will enable people to get on their feet and invest in the future.

Take care of our investments

  • Take care of existing businesses
    Everett’s existing small, medium, and large business are the bedrock of future economic progress. I will make sure that we support them so that they prosper and grow. The Mayor’s Small Business Advisory Council will be an important part of this, as will ongoing partnerships with the Economic Alliance of Snohomish County, Downtown Everett Business Association, and others. I will continue to be a champion for Boeing, the aerospace industry, and the Port of Everett. I will also advocate for retaining Everett’s Naval Base and expanding it if possible, as well as building on the strong foundation of healthcare providers in our city.

Maintain and make the best use of our infrastructure
Maintaining our infrastructure, including our roads, water, wastewater, and energy systems is critical. As Mayor, I will ensure that these foundational systems are maintained and expanded as necessary. As transportation needs evolve in our region, transportation infrastructure, in particular, will require attention, so that our investments continue to make sense for the needs of residents, visitors, and businesses.

Improve Everett's quality of life

Attract new investments that bring vitality and jobs
I will continue to seek businesses to locate in Everett like Funko, that are interested in being a part of and contributing to our city and that bring new vitality to our business districts.

Support vibrant arts and culture
A vibrant arts and culture scene is an important part of any thriving city. It draws visitors, provides jobs, and makes the city more livable, beautiful, and attractive. I will be a strong supporter of the arts and culture in Everett. I will work to ensure that artists have access to affordable housing, support art through public development, and work to make art and art education are distributed more equitably throughout the city. As the Chair of the City Council’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, I help to support programs that increase tourism, build community, and boost economic development, such as the Food Truck Festival, Quilters’ Festival, and annual Fun Runs. As Mayor, I pledge to do more to unleash Everett’s creative potential!