Campaign Launch | Press Release


February 14, 2017

Everett Councilwoman Cassie Franklin Launches Campaign for Everett Mayor
Franklin endorsed by Mayor Ray Stephanson and Everett business and community leaders

Everett, Wash. – Everett City Council Member and Cocoon House CEO Cassie Franklin announced her candidacy for Mayor on Tuesday with endorsements from current Mayor Ray Stephanson and Everett business and community leaders aligned with her vision of creating and sustaining family-wage jobs and ensuring a safe, vibrant environment where families and businesses can thrive.

“I am a passionate community leader and care deeply about this city,” said Franklin, 45. “I’ve seen the unique beauty of this community and our citizens. I’ve spent my career building and strengthening communities and know that when our businesses are winning, everyone is winning, and when our social services thrive, we all thrive. With our community’s unique strengths and significant challenges, the skillset I bring is exactly what our city needs to build a strong future.”

Franklin’s background makes her the best choice to build on Mayor Stephanson’s work to develop the city’s economy and combat the growing opioid epidemic that has caused crime levels and homelessness to spike. She also brings her own vision and fresh perspective to this work. Her growing list of endorsements signal support for her campaign from both the city’s leaders and its grassroots.

“I am proud to support Cassie Franklin for Mayor of Everett.” Mayor Stephanson said. “She is uniquely qualified to address the city’s most pressing issues, including homelessness and the growing opioid epidemic. Cassie has the right skillset to run government efficiently and capitalize on the great economic opportunities that lie ahead for Everett. She understands what makes the Everett community strong.”

Cassie has been a passionate community leader in the City of Everett for more than a decade. As the CEO of the Cocoon House, she is recognized as a leader in developing solutions to address and prevent youth homelessness and chronic adult homelessness.

She has also served on a several local, statewide, and national community development boards and organizations, including the Community Streets Initiative, the Housing Consortium of Snohomish County, the Washington Statewide Coordinating Committee on Human Trafficking, the National League of Cities’ Human Development Advocacy Committee, and the Rotary Club of South Everett-Mukilteo. As Vice President of the Everett City Council, Franklin joined the mayor as he took on Purdue Pharmaceuticals to hold the drug company responsible for their hand in bringing black-market OxyContin to Everett and has championed policies and actions on some of Everett’s toughest issues.

“To build a stronger Everett, we need to bring more family-wage jobs here and support our small businesses while working within a balanced budget. I have demonstrated experience in that,” Franklin said.

Along with Stephanson, Cassie’s prominent endorsements include former Snohomish County Executive Bob Drewel and more than 40 other local elected officials and business and community leaders.

Cassie and her husband, David Franklin, have been married for nine years and have an 8-year-old daughter. They reside in the Port Gardner neighborhood of Everett. Cassie’s full bio can be found here.

Cassie Franklin