'Cassie Franklin is the best choice to lead as Everett mayor' | A Letter from Reid Shockey


Several months ago I wrote to urge the candidates for Everett mayor to exercise civility in the upcoming election. We have two current council members running for the office that I have no doubt will meet that test. This time I write to urge our community’s citizens and leaders to step forward and offer their support.

When friends are running for the same office we, their friends, will often sit on the fence, not wanting to hurt or offend. I’m sure that these two fine candidates know that the “price of admission” to a political campaign is to not take offense, but to do their best at expressing their vision to voters. May the best person win.

My choice is Cassie Franklin. I’ve listened to her views about our future, how it’s Everett’s time and how our challenges can and will be managed. She has pledged to reach out to all segments of our diverse community to include them in the decisions we must make together. She has the experience to meet this pledge.

So if you’re sitting on the fence, please climb down and show your commitment to Everett’s future and to Cassie Franklin. I look forward to coffee with her opponent when the campaign is over.

Reid H. Shockey

Vote in Everett’s general election by November 7th. Ballots will be mailed in mid-October. Contribute here.

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