'Why I chose to endorse Cassie Franklin for mayor of Everett' | A Letter from Sharita Burton


Cassie Franklin’s goals are for an Everett that is: Safer. Stronger. Together. And while I could emphasize her abilities to accomplish those Safer & Stronger goals by delineating her excellent qualifications - based on her work with Cocoon House, as a City Council member, and Rotarian - I’ll let others do that. I’m more compelled to reflect on her plans to accomplish those goals… Together.

As a city that exemplifies strength, perseverance, and true grit, Everett has always been stronger because we stand together. Cassie works on the notion that communities, like parts of one body, are stronger when they work together; when one part is struggling, or broken it affects all of us. And she recognizes that moving Everett forward is going to take all of us, working together.

Cassie has the mindset, skills, and tenacity of an effective leader to continuously reach out and listen to community members, anchors, and business owners, all as stakeholders in Everett’s future. And while seasoned politicians speak to decades-long careers and see donations and high-powered endorsements as the best way that you and I can contribute to their campaigns, Cassie works to build bridges and create partnerships - like a body working together, to help find sustainable solutions for Everett now and for Everett in the future.

Having sat on the Envision Everett 2037 Committee—an advisory one dedicated in part to including citizen voices from throughout the city to find resolutions to issues facing Everett—I see where Cassie not only illustrates her deeper understanding of the complex issues we all face, she lays them out in a way that shows that she intends to actively engage the community in the construction a holistic plan. I can see where my input and that of my neighbors, has real value to her.

Mine is a neighborhood that often gets lost in the conversation of representation and districting, grouped in with one of the wealthier ones because of proximity and left out of current plans to change that. But with all the politicking of the day, Cassie conscientiously works to hear our voices; and I see her do that all over the city. Her enthusiasm to work for a better Everett encourages and inspires me to work right along with her and to Vote Cassie for Mayor!

Sharita Burton
Community Advocate

Vote in Everett’s general election by November 7th. Ballots will be mailed in mid-October. Contribute here.

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